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透過 3D打印將海洋廢棄物變成時尚教練

透過 3D打印將海洋廢棄物變成時尚教練

✪世新大學張庭禎同學 翻譯


人們和公司都同樣的被鼓勵為拯救我們的星球而做出貢獻。 現代技術如3D打印可能將旅程邁向有助於實現更綠色的世界。 就在去年,運動品牌Adidas與合作夥伴Parley for the oceans ,在他們的網站上聲明並提高關注-“我們的海洋是美麗的但是脆弱的”。Parley與Adidas合作且開發了一個創新的鞋子概念,使用來自海洋的塑料廢物和3D技術去解決海洋的污染物。




Parley for the Oceans主要與特別受到海洋污染影響的小國家合作。 例如格林納達、牙買加和馬爾地夫等島嶼是第一批合作夥伴之一。 Parley的代表訪視小型漁業並且幫助他們清除海岸中的塑料廢物。 Parley將這種廢料變成托盤,然後可以再被使用。


例如,Adidas x Parley鞋子是由兩種塑料製成:PET,是通常用於塑膠瓶和來自舊漁網的尼龍。 在鞋子的上部幾乎有17個塑膠瓶和13克的尼龍。 鞋底的夾層是完全由3D打印將捕魚網上回收過後的聚酰胺製成的。 這種鞋的生產是相當困難的,因為要將海洋廢物紡織為為高性能纖維需要大量的技術和知識。 雖然這個項目在去年只是提高意識,Adidas將這種方法具體化到他們的頂級鞋類的經銷權和其商業陣容。


該公司實際上是發行一個全新的名叫Futurecraft 3D的性能鞋類。這款慢跑鞋是針對人類的腳與需求去專門訂做,就像直接生產出來一個3D打印機。 這個想法是能夠相配跑步者的輪廓線與壓力點而對他們能夠得到一個完全合適的鞋子




在開發友好環保的生產製造的道路上3D打印似乎很有前途。 儘管人們可能認為該技術使用大量的能量,並且塑料是主要被用於該過程中的,但是在製造過程中比起使用棉或皮革這種方式仍然對環境更為友善。


使用3D打印,按照需求生產獲得了一個新的規模,並且可以減少由組裝、運輸、維護、儲存和涉及其他產品生命週期的所有其他步驟對環境的衝擊 。 3D打印仍然是一種新技術,並不斷發展以提高更多的效率。 現今,這樣的方式已經允許我們使用回收的塑料廢料,例如用於生產運動鞋,並且用於各種各樣的目的。




Ocean Waste Turned into Fashionable Trainers Through 3D Printing



People and companies alike are encouraged to make their contribution for saving our planet. Modern technologies such as 3D printing might help on the journey towards a greener world. Just last year sports brand Adidas partnered with Parley for the Oceans, an initiative for “rais[ing] awareness for the beauty and fragility of our oceans”, as they state on their website. Parley and Adidas teamed up to develop an innovative shoe concept which uses plastic waste from the ocean and 3D technology to tackle the pollution of the oceans.


Old fishing nets and plastic bottles


Parley for the Oceans collaborates mainly with small countries which are especially affected by marine pollution. Islands such as Grenada, Jamaica, and the Maldives were one of the first partners. Representatives from Parley visit small fisheries and help cleaning the coasts from plastic waste. Parley turns this waste into pallets which then can be repurposed afterwards.


The Adidas x Parley shoe for example is made of two kinds of plastic: PET, which is normally used for plastic bottles and nylon from old fishing nets. Almost 17 plastic bottles and 13 grams of nylon go in the upper part of the shoe. The midsole is completely 3D-printed from recycled polyamide from the fishing nets. The production of this shoe is quite difficult because the spinning of the ocean waste into high-performance fibers takes a lot of technology and knowledge. Even though this project was just about raising awareness last year, Adidas incorporated the approach into their top footwear franchises and its commercial lineup.


The company actually released a new performance footwear called Futurecraft 3Dwhich is a running shoe that is tailored to a person’s foot and needs, and comes directly out of a 3D printer. The idea is that runners get a perfectly fitting shoe which exactly matches their contours and pressure points.


Production without deconstruction


On the road to developing eco-friendly manufacturing processes 3D printing seems quite promising. Even though one might argue that this technology uses large amounts of energy and that mainly plastic is used for this process, it still is more environmentally friendly than using cotton or leather in the manufacturing process.


With 3D printing, on-demand production gets a new dimension and can therefore reduce the impact on the environment due to the assembly, transportation, maintenance, storage and all other steps involving the product lifecycle. 3D printing is still a new technology and constantly develops in order to become more efficient. Today it already allows us to use recycled plastic waste e. g. for the production of a sports shoe, and use it for a great variety of purposes.


Do you think 3D technology can help saving our environment? Are there any other cases in which it is used to reduce damages to nature?








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